Mossy Cloak curated by Third Object

With Rashayla Marie Brown "Everything She Wants" in the Milwaukee Ave. Window Gallery

Featuring works by Samantha Bittman, Drew Broderick, Liz Ensz, Kiam Marcelo Junio, Tim McMullen, Laura Hart Newlon

Camouflage is a tool. It hijacks ingrained ways of perceiving to operate within, under and through them. Mossy Cloak, curated by Third Object, is a group exhibition of work in photography, painting, sound and sculpture from six artists. It examines the layered vocabularies of camouflage, exploring its role as a visual surface patterning and as metaphor for social and historical concealment.

Samantha Bittman
Drew Broderick
Liz Ensz
Kiam Marcelo Junio
Tim McMullen
Laura Hart Newlon

Third object is a Chicago-based curatorial collective.

Saturdays (2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/7,& 3/14) from 3-6pm: For the duration of Mossy Cloak, members of Third Object will be present at the exhibition for informal discussion and tours.

Roots & Culture and Third Object would like to thank for their generous support of this exhibition.